APlus United Home Care is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care in the Home Care Profession. We are a licensed, bonded and insured home care agency serving the Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Erie and surrounding areas. We provide personal assistance (PAS/PCA) services as a PA state Medicaid waiver provider and Personal Care Assistance services through Managed Care program. We are in contract with UPMC, Amerihealth, Caritas and PA Health & Wellness as a Managed care insurances.
APlus United Home Care grew its first roots in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2014 and quickly gave out its branches by successfully providing affordable home care services in your hometown. Our hard work and dedication is already paying off as evidenced by smiles we see in the faces of our consumers and by the words of gratitude they express to us when we meet. We not only enroll clients with Medicare and Medicaid, but also serve consumers that want to make private payments. As a local health care agency, we are constantly extending our hands and sharing our expertise with other local health care providers with a goal of sharing resources and learning from each other as we move forward with the common goal of quality care.
Our agency, APlus United Home Care is run by local experts who are qualified health care professionals. We strive to provide culturally appropriate services to the population we serve. By “cultural appropriateness” we mean respecting every body, every culture, language, religion, rituals, belief, gender equality etc equally. We are willing to learn from our consumers. Additionally, we hire caregivers that speak the consumer’s language so they get their needs met appropriately.